Cold Spring Observatory
Cold Spring, Kentucky USA
Cold Spring Observatory summer morning July 2006 and after remodeling and new dome in Spring of 2021
The Observatory houses a 10" Meade LX200 ACF telescope for deep sky imaging and a Takahashi FS-60Q Fluorite Refractor telescope for wide field imaging.
The scopes are computer control using The Sky Astronomy Software, MaxIM DL 5 and PemPro 3. Three computer are used, one for camera and telescope control one for image processing and general computing and one for dome access to the two control room computers.
A Santa Barbra Instrument Group (SBIG) 2000XM CCD Camera with CFW-8 Color Filter Wheel and A07 Adaptive Optics Unit is used for deep sky imaging and a SBIG 2000XM is used for planetary imaging and auto guiding.
The Telescope Room is 10 X 10 and a 10 X 10 control room which is heated and air conditioned.
In the Spring of 2021 a major remodel of the observatory including a new dome was completed.
Cold Spring Observatory Control Room and Meade 10" LX 200 ACF Telescope
Setting seven piers - six for building and one for scope mount
Samantha and Max Supervising Construction Ann my wife "You're spending how much?"
The Girls Approve
Summer August 2006
Winter February 2007
Construction Started on March 15, 2003